Enjoy this sample of our positive thoughts.
1. Turn up the music and dance – louder, come on louder, I still
can’t hear it. Ah that’s better, now let’s boogie!
2. Thank you for being the unique individual that you are. My
world would be a far lonelier place without you in it.
3. Einstein said imagination is everything. It is the preview of
life’s coming attractions. What are your coming attractions?
I can’t wait to see the trailer….I have the popcorn ready.
4. When life gives you lemons, don’t waste your time making
lemonade – make a lemon meringue pie. Who wants lemonade when you can have pie – unless you like lemonade, then I say go for it!
5. With persistence you can go the distance. I don’t care if it’s Kamchatka,Sydney, outer Botswana , Boston , or next door. Just don’t forget to send me a postcard when you get there!
6. Did you know you are so incredibly special? You didn’t? Seriously?
Well, you are, and I’m privileged to know you. In fact, you kinda rock! I’m
thinking you rock so much that you should have business cards printed and everything!
7. Open yourself to all the good that is out there. What? There isn’t
any? Are you sure, because where I’m standing I see a world that has you in it. And from where I’m standing, it doesn’t get any better than that!
8. It’s so easy to focus on I can’t have this, or I can’t do that. Guess what? You CAN have this, you CAN that. You can be, do AND have anything you want.
9. Have you made a vision board yet? Why not? I mean, come on, crayons, scissors, glue, pictures and sparkles. It’s a chance to make a collage of your life’s dreams.
It’s like art class, but without the grades. WOOT WOOT!
10. To get IT, you have to give IT. Did you ever wonder what IT is? Who cares, It’s YOUR business! So get your IT on!
11. Do you remember that day, that perfect day when everything just went
your way? When was that? Oh wait, it’s EVERY day!
12. Norman Vincent Peale said “People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.” Boy oh boy, he wasn’t wrong, was he? You are already doing remarkable things. Keep up the good work!
13. Before you can truly love another you have to love yourself. That shouldn’t be too hard because honestly, you’re pretty cool!
14. How do you rock? Let me count the ways. Better yet, you count the ways. Make a list of all your fantastic qualities. Go ahead, get some paper – I’ll wait. Um, I think you’re going to need more paper. It’s going to be a pretty long list.
15. Sun Tzu said opportunities multiply as they are seized.” He wasn’t wrong…look at all the opportunities that are available out there. Go ahead and grab some…..there’s plenty to go around.
16. Sun Tzu said you have to believe in yourself. He’s right – how cool is it to know that someone who lived so long ago, 400 – 320 BC, knew this. If the advice is THAT old, it HAS to be good!
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