Spread The Kindness

One random act of kindness can set off a chain reaction. Be the first to pay it forward and see what happens.

I swore when I sat down to write this, that it wouldn’t be a post about September 11th. What could I possibly say that others have not said far more eloquently. I was fortunate to not have lost anybody in the tragedies, at least not directly. I know people who lost loved ones, but I was blessed to have not lost anybody close to me. I usually write posts about positive things, and the events of September 11th were perhaps the most least positive thing I could ever think of. Then I started really thinking, and I realized how wrong I was (as usual). What happened was not positive – and there is nothing that will ever be said or done to convince me, or the rest of the America, otherwise. But there were so many positive things that happened as a RESULT, and that’s what we need to focus on. People helping one another, people working together, people sharing information, and resources, and providing support for one another. And a nation that came together and said we are united, we are strong. We will NOT be defeated. Those are all positive things. So I am choosing not to focus on the tremendous loss we as a nation suffered on September 11th. I’m not ignoring it, I’m never going to forget it, and in fact, I’ll remember the horrible feelings of loss and tragedy for all my days, but I am instead focusing on how we as a nation rose up from the ashes of this tragedy and stood together and said “Never Again.”

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