Just Believe in Yourself

In the words of the immortal Jiminy Cricket “When your heart is in your dreams, no request is to extreme.”

How can you go wrong when listening to the wise words of Pinocchio’s conscience? I mean seriously, he is one very wise insect. When you believe 100% in your dreams, nothing is out of reach. You can accomplish anything you can conceive of as long as you believe in yourself. If we stick with the Disney movie metaphor (and why wouldn’t we) we just need to look at Dumbo. He couldn’t believe in himself – he had no confidence, and no faith, so Timothy Mouse gave him a “magic feather.” That feather gave him a belief in himself and he could fly. Now I realize life isn’t a Disney movie, if it were, Prince Charming would have found me by now, but they can teach us a lot of lessons. So listen to Jiminy Cricket and Timothy Mouse and believe in yourself. And if you’re having a hard time with that, come see me and I’ll get you a magic feather of your very own until you can believe in yourself.

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