If You Want It, Go And Get It

Anything you really want, you can attain, if you really go after it. – Wayne Dyer

A lot of people struggle with this concept, especially if they’re fan’s of the book The Secret.  According to The Secret, it’s enough to ask the universe for something, believe that it’s yours, and you’ll get it. Ask, believe and receive is the mantra. I totally buy into this, to a point. If you want something, by all means, put it out there.  Some will say this is asking the universe, others will say it’s prayer.  I’m not going to argue either point.  I’m okay with believing it’s yours.  Believing is visualizing.  If you want a new car, imagine yourself sitting in the brand new car of your dreams.  Smell the new car scent in your mind, fell your hands gripping the steering wheel.  This is where The Secret and I part ways.  You can’t just sit there and wait for it to happen.  You have to work to make it happen.  Start shopping around, start saving money – enter contests to win new cars…it doesn’t matter, just be actively doing something to get yourself one step closer to that car, or whatever else you may have visualized.

I think it’s the combination of an unshakable belief that you will get what you want along with the working toward it that gets you to your goal.  If you believe you’re going to attain your goal, and don’t do anything to work towards it, you’re not going to get it.  If you work, work, work, but don’t have any clear vision of what you’re working toward, you’ll end up going in circles.  So figure out what you want, set that goal firmly in your mind and see yourself achieving that goal, and then get going!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Pablo

    I agree with this. If you want something, you need to put some effort in it and sometimes friends don’t even believe in your dream or goal – this happened to me and I proved them wrong. It’s a great feeling to achieve something you really want to, but it’s not going to happen by waiting for it to happen. Friends that support you help, but I think it’s really up to you to achieve it.

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