Closed Doors – Open Doors

Often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.-Helen Keller

Oh how true this is, at least for me. I get so stuck on wanting this one particular thing, or having things work out this one certain way, that i don’t see what’s staring me right in the face. I can have such tunnel vision at times. Never when I need to focus on something mind you, only when I need to step back and look at the big picture. I was at a meeting at school the other day and we were discussing this grant money we had received to help us to be better teachers and create a better school as a whole. Many teachers had very valid concerns, and some were very frustrated because while this grant is wonderful, they’d rather spend the money on “things” for their classroom.  These things are necessary, and I’m not being critical of them because they are right, they need them. But their so focused on that, that they’re missing the bigger picture, or the open door.  I don’t want to miss the open door any longer.  I’m going to try and open my eyes more and see what’s really out there.