Happiness and Actions

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. -Benjamin Disraeli

I know there is some law of physics that says for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I don’t know what physics law it is, and honestly, I’m not caring too much. I’m so not Bill Nye the Science Guy. But I GET this law. To get something, you have to DO something. You may not get the action your hoping for, in this case happiness, but if you don’t do anything, you’re never going to get the happiness. It makes sense. Think about this, if you just sit on your sofa staring at the wall, you’re probably not going to find happiness. But if you go outside, and go for a walk, maybe talk to some people, you’ll have a much better chance of finding happiness. Sure, you may find a cranky dog that barks at you, or a random rainstorm, but you may also find a $20.00 bill, or bump into an old friend. The thing is, it’s the doing something that makes these chances possible. Sitting at home on the sofa, yeah, you’ll miss out on the cranky dog barking at you, and the random rain shower, but you’ll also miss out on the possibility of bumping into the friend, or finding the money. You’ll miss out on the potential for happiness.