Laughter and Possibilities

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities – Jean Houston

When I was a kid, I liked to read Reader’s Digest. Not the articles of course, I loved to read the Laughter is the Best Medicine section. I didn’t always get the jokes, but I got enough of them to enjoy reading that section. Back then, I didn’t really think about how beneficial laughter was to me – to everybody. But it is. Laughter has the ability to make some of the darker things we deal with seem a little bit lighter. I remember the day my dad passed away, the aunts and uncles all showed up (loaded down with food of course) and it wasn’t long before the house was filled with laughter. Were we happy my dad had passed away? No, of course not, but we were remembering all the funny things that had happened in his life, and that did a lot to help ease the pain of his death.

So when things are looking a bit glum, take a minute to find something to laugh about. It may not change what you’re dealing with, but it will probably make it a little easier to deal with, and you just might find some other possibilities that WILL make it easier to deal with.