Forget Mistakes

Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it. – William Durant

So you made a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes. It’s a fact of life, it happens. It’s what you do ABOUT that mistake that matters. Do you dwell on it and obsess over it (and probably make more mistakes in the process) or do you just let it go and move on?

Personally, I like to view my mistakes as learning experiences. I look at what happened, figure out how I can best use it to my advantage and move on. Mistakes are like bumps in the road, or detours. They’re not what you want, and they may send you out of your way, but who knows what you’re going to find and experience on your way?

So make your mistakes, look at them and learn from them, and then LET THEM GO! Let them go and move on and see what wonderful things develop.