Think Happy

Remember, happiness doesn’t depend on who you are or what you have. It depends solely on what you think. – Dale Carnegie


Happiness, TRUE happiness comes from within.  Being famous doesn’t make you happy, and being rich doesn’t make you happy.  Neither does having the coolest car, or the best clothes, or the biggest house in the neighborhood, or even the greenest lawn.  Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to be famous and I would LOVE, beyond a shadow of a doubt to be rich, and I’m guessing most people would love that too.  But the thing most of us (myself included) don’t realize is that true happiness doesn’t come from all those things.  True happiness comes from within, when you are at peace with who you are as a person.  If you’re not happy with the person that you are, you’re probably going to find it a challenge to be really happy.  Get to know you, and what makes you tick and learn to love the person that you are.  It shouldn’t be too hard, from where I stand, you’re pretty darn loveable.  Once you’re good with who you are, you’ll find that happiness is right there.