Speed Your Success

To speed your success, twice a day form a clear mental picture for two minutes of the one thing you want; and tell yourself it’s already yours. Imagine it is.

It’s the secret of the ages, and there have been countless books written on the subject.  Professional athletes do it, successful businessmen and women do it.  People all over the world are doing it.  But what is it?  It, is visualization.  It’s not some new age secret, nor is it some metaphysical occult thing.  There are references to visualizing in the bible.

Simply put, visualizing is seeing yourself having, or obtaining what you want, seeing yourself living the life you want.  It’s focusing on a goal.  Professional athletes practice this skill all the time.  They see themselves hitting the home run, but not just seeing the ball sail out of the park. They’ll see themselves standing at the plate, taking their stance, waiting for the perfect pitch, swinging and connecting with the ball – over and over again.

If it’s good enough for professional athletes, it’s good enough for you and me.  Take a few minutes every day and focus – focus on something you want so much.  See yourself having it.  A few minutes a day.  You can do it – see it, visualize it, and make it yours