The Universe is Magic

The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. Eden Phillpots

I struggled looking for a picture for this post today. Mostly because I couldn’t think of what symbolized magic. Should I go with the traditional magician pulling a rabbit out of his hat, or a mystical unicorn, or maybe an image of Arthur removing the sword from the stone. Then I really started thinking about the quote – those things are all representative of magic, but the true magic, REAL magic is all around us all the time in the most ordinary of things. It’s just up to us to find it. Magic can be found in a child hugging his or her mom, or sharing a toy with another child in the sandbox. It can be found in the blooming of a flower, or of a butterfly landing on the same flower. But it’s more than that. Magic can be found in the mom or dad who gets up every day and goes to work at a job they may not love so that they can provide for their family. Most of all, magic can be found in love. So yes, look around and open your eyes to the magic that is all around us, but don’t forget to look at the magic that is inside you as well.