Can You Please Help

What is Donors Choose? is a nonprofit that connects public school teachers with people who want to support classroom learning.


My Students: Some students love school and love learning and have everything they need to be successful learners. I want my students to have what they need to be successful learners.

My students are in a special education program in an urban school. Half the time they come to school hungry, never mind with proper school supplies. Free and reduced lunches gets them the food, it’s up to me to get them the supplies they need to become active learners.

My Project: My students come to school with nothing, no notebooks, pens, pencils or paper. What they have, I’ve provided. They can be successful, but they need the basic tools. They are also so creative, and providing them with art supplies can channel their creativity to appropriate projects. We also just got two computers in our room, but we had nothing to put them on, so we had to use our existing student tables. The computer carts will give us a place to use the computers and give us back our tables to use for seating.

My students come to school with nothing. They don’t think they can learn. They need somebody to believe in them. They know I do, and they know if they need something they can ask and I’ll do my best to get it. It would be great if they knew other people cared about them and wanted them to be successful learners.  We only have 25 more days to raise our funds.  If we don’t meet our goal, the funds that have been raised will be allocated to other projects.   Help us raise our $400.00