What is a Hero?

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Christopher Reeve

What makes someone a hero?  As we draw closer to the anniversary of 9/11, and are reminded of police, firefighters and civilians we are faced with a glaring reminder of what defines a hero.  But there are other kinds of heroes.  The single mother who works, takes care of her children, and goes to school to make a better life for her family can be seen as a hero.  The doctor who refuses to give up on a patient is a hero.  The teenager who is bullied every day in school because of their sexuality, or learning differences, but still manages to go to school every day is another type of hero.  There is another type of hero, one we don’t think automatically think about when we hear the word hero.  The one who goes on, day in and day out, against insurmountable odds, never giving up and always giving their best.  Even when it looks as if there is no chance of success, they still keep trying.  That’s the real hero.  So while it’s great to be the traditional type of hero, and to celebrate all the things they do, don’t loose sight of those other types of heroes and celebrate their accomplishments as well.