Hold on Tight to Your Dreams.

Don’t wast time holding on to regrets, hold on to your dreams instead.

Originally posted 9/10/10

Regrets – we all have them. They’re insidious things that grab a hold of us and weigh us done. They make us unhappy, and miserable and worse, they strangle our dreams. It’s so easy to look back on something that we did, or didn’t do, or something that didn’t turn out the way we planned and feel regret. It’s even okay to feel regret. But when we hold on to it and let it consume our lives is when we start to have problems. Anger, regret, grudges and resentment – they’re all poison to us if we hold on to them. So yes, look back at what happened, and use it. Learn from it, and make a plan to see that it doesn’t happen again. Use it as a spring board to reach your dreams. Learn from your mistakes, don’t dwell on them. Don’t hang on to your regrets – go for your dreams instead.