Don’t Worry

Do not worry about tomorrow. After all today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

How many of you spend copious amounts of time worrying about what tomorrow will bring? If you’re like me, the answer is tons of you. I used to worry about EVERYTHING. I would try and plan my life and organize everything in advance, and then obsess over all the plans I had made. I worried about bills, and things I had to do at work and at home, and things my family had to do, like homework and lessons and other obligations. My mind was one big huge giant to do list and because I worried so much, not too much was getting checked off. I used to especially worry about money. Would I have enough to get the bills paid? Did I pay the right bills? Did I pay them on time? And the more I worried about it, the more mistakes I made paying bills and the less money I seemed to have.

But what good was the worrying doing?  It wasn’t getting my bills paid, and it wasn’t getting things checked off my mental check list.  It was just stressing me out.  So I worked on not worrying, and my tomorrows are still coming, and I still have things to get done, and bills to pay, but instead of worrying about it, I just do my best.  And you know what?  It’s yesterday’s tomorrow and things are looking pretty good.