Enjoy the Journey

We are often so caught up in our destination That we forget to appreciate the journey, Especially the goodness of the people we meet along the way.

Life is a journey, we all know that.  It could even be said that it is a series of journeys.  We go from point A to B and then on to C and possibly back to A again.  And we make our journey with focus on our ultimate destination.  We start out in school, striving to do well and get accepted to a good college.  From there our focus is on obtaining the perfect internship, or developing a strong network to help us find the ideal job.  Then we focus on finding a spouse, buying a house, and having children.  Then we want a newer car, a bigger house, or maybe a vacation home.  And we keep going and going and going.  Having goals, having a focus, and wanting “things” isn’t bad. In fact, I believe we need those dreams and goals to help give our existence meaning.  But on the great journey that we call our lives, don’t get so caught up in it that you miss the great scenery along the way.  Take time to enjoy the “things” and more importantly, the fantasti people you meet along the way.