Reach for your Dreams

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney

I talk a lot about dreams, and I think a couple of this week’s Daily Positive Thoughts focus on the topic of dreams.  I’m thinking about dreams this week specifically because we are entering a very important dream phase in my house – the college search.  There are dream schools, and strong possibility schools and “sure thing” schools.  I as a parent thought that I needed to find a balance between encouraging my kids to reach for their “dream schools” and apply to a few “sure things.”  It was in the middle of one of our many college conversations that I realized that I was wrong.  My job as a parent is to encourage my kids to reach for their dreams, no matter how high.  If they are willing to take a chance and work toward their dreams, they will achieve them.  This is something that Walt Disney knew.  Walt was a man who knew how to go after his dreams, achieve them, and then dream bigger dreams. I hope this is a lesson everybody learns!