Take the Right Kind of Action

Believe it. You CAN succeed at whatever you do, as long as you simply take the right ACTIONS.~ E.R. Haas

It sounds so easy, believe it, take action and you can do it. I wish that’s all you had to do, but I also need to be realistic. I may want to fly, I may believe that I can fly, but if I take action by flapping my arms, I’m not going anywhere – EVER.  Does that mean I can’t fly?  No, no it doesn’t.  I can go purchase a plane ticket and fly anywhere.  I can take flying lessons and actually fly a plane myself.  So yes, you have to believe, and you have to take action, but it has to be the right kind of action.

I want to lose weight – I really do.  I believe I can do it.  However, if the action I take is stuffing my face with junk food, I’m probably NOT going to be all that successful.  Believing and taking action is not a panacea.  It’s not a magic cure all.  What it is, is the start of a game plan.  A game plan that you get to devise because you are in control of your life.  You CAN succeed at whatever you undertake.  Believing that you are capable is the first and most important step.  You HAVE to believe in yourself.  Taking action – it is the second step, just remember to make sure it’s realistic action.   Flapping your arms isn’t going to get you anywhere.