It’s All in the Joy

The standard of success in life isn’t the things. It isn’t the money or the stuff, it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel. – Abraham

Let’s be realistic.  Things are great.  I LOVE having things.  I am, in fact, as materialistic as they come.  Having things brings me happiness.  Unfortunately, sometimes it’s possible to get so caught up in the having of things, that you stop being happy with what you have and you want more and more.  Wanting more isn’t necessarily bad, the problem arises when the wanting takes center stage and precludes the enjoyment of what you have.  I’m guilty of falling into this trap on occasion.  I try hard not to, but it happens.  When it does, I TRY to give myself a mental shake and be grateful for what I do have and enjoy it.  I don’t think I’m going to ever stop wanting things, but I am working hard to really enjoy what I do have.