The Secret to Make Your Dreams Come True

The secret of making dreams come true can be summarized in four C’s. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy; and the greatest of these is Confidence. – Walt Disney

How much do I LOVE LOVE LOVE this particular quote? You have NO idea.  There it is, the perfect recipe for making all your dreams come true.  Be curious about things.  Don’t just accept them, explore, find out why things are and how they work.  Be confident! Believe in yourself.  Be courageous.  Don’t be afraid to take that first step, or take a chance.  Be constant.  If you say you’re going to do something, do it.  Don’t make excuses.  If you make a plan, stick to it – or find a way to make it better and THEN stick to it.

Disney goes on to say that the most important out of those four things is confidence, and it’s probably the hardest thing to have. It’s hard to take chances, it’s hard to believe in yourself.  That leads me to think of another phrase ‘fake it to make it.”  Maybe you’re not feeling 100% confident in your abilities to accomplish something.  So what!  Act like you are.  Project an air that you can do whatever you set your mind to, and soon enough, you realize that you aren’t faking it to make it, you’re just making it!  You can do it.

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Swetha

    It is true… i am trying to pass my exam to be a lecturer, I am not able to find man of my dreams….but still trying my best to keep my faith ….

  2. admin

    I know you will be successful!

  3. Ruth Kale

    It’s true that we have to be confident in our life…
    I am a Confident girl. But the people outside are of negative thoughts what should I do..? In my family someone keeps on telling me that “U can never
    achieve any thing in your life..”,”some day u will
    Be in biggest trouble” etc etc…PLEASE tell me what should I do. .?

  4. admin

    Well first off, I can’t tell you what to do – nobody really can. I can only tell you what I think, and I think what they say is them projecting their own fears and self doubt and self hate on anybody they can rather than acknowledge things about themselves. You CAN achieve great things, in fact, I bet you achieve great things every day, just by keeping a positive attitude when faced with all that negativity. Ruth, you are a super person, and the world is lucky you are in it. Don’t listen to the naysayers in your life. When they come down on you, simply smile and take very negative thing they say to you and turn it to a positive. Instead of “You can never achieve anything in your life,” tell yourself, “I can achieve great things in my life,” and then go one step further and think about some of the things you have accomplished. Helping a friend, doing well on a school assignment etc. You can do this – I believe in you!

  5. Ruth Kale

    Ok.. Now dis is a new problem

    I’ll tell you my whole story….
    I have……aaammmmmm I mean I had two best friends Sniya n Valentina bt now dey are not talking to me…Saniya was in a relationship….I too hav a crush . I was sporting her but she n Valentina was
    not. Dey wer every time telling a lie about V that he was having a gf n etc etc..dey always said that he is not good for me n all . But I never took dat so seriously . Coz I was knowning dat it was all rubbish lie…..!! (“V” means my crush)

  6. Ruth Kale

    Plz tell me what you think

  7. Ruth Kale

    M not able to live without my frend…plz plz tell me what you are thinking …..what can I do……

  8. admin

    I’m sorry Ruth, I really can’t comment on this

  9. Ruth Kale

    That’s ok. -_-
    Many things hav change. Valentina talks with me. I hav completely forgotten V
    n now I only dream about my starting salary one lack or crore rupees. Thanks for your help

  10. KuroUsagi

    I was a VERY NEGATIVE person, but when I enter junior high ! I found someone that want to talk to me and make ALL of the things I said in negative into POSITIVE even I can’t believe it when I said “THERE’S NO WAY I CAN DO IT “, OR “EVEN IF MY DREAM IS TO BECOME AN IDOL, THERE’S NO WAY I CAN ACHIEVE IT UNLIKE ALL OF YOU”, or something like that then she said “DON’T THINK THAT WAY ! DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE OTHER’S JUST THINK, YOU CAN DO IT ! EVEN IF IT’S IMPOSIBLE JUST TRY ! AND DON’T GIVE UP ! ” from then on my change started from not beautiful when take a photo of myself >>> into a WOW ! AWESOME ! and NEVER SMILE >>> INTO SMILE !! SAY CHEESE !!! and i’m still pursuing my dream despite being not so good at math !! WISH ME LUCK !! 😀 :V :3 B> (i’m a girl just so you know) >w< ^3<

  11. admin

    way to go! – and I believe you will achieve your dreams! GOOD LUCK

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