Have a Plan

When your life is on course with its purpose, you are your most powerful. And you may stumble, but you will not fall. ~Oprah

I keep talking about the need to have a plan.  You have to have one.  No matter what you do, you need to have a plan.  To simply react will get you nowhere.  I’m not saying have a detailed, step by step plan that so regiments your life that there is no room for spontaneity – not at all.  In your road map of life, detours and roadblocks happen.  As long as you have a general plan though, you’ll be fine.  You may hit those detours and roadblocks, but if  you have a general plan, you’ll get back on track – and if your plan is flexible, you’ll find that those detours and roadblocks aren’t insurmountable, but simply little glitches.