Look Within to Find Your Way

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside, awakes- CARL GUSTAV JUNG


I work with high school students and I have two high school aged students of my own.  They come to me a lot, wanting to know what they should do with their lives, what career path they should pursue, and if they should continue their education.  I will happily listen while they bounce ideas and suggestions off of me.  I will point out what I think are their strengths and weaknesses, but I will NOT ever tell them what I think they should do (with the exception of continuing their education).  I don’t want them to get caught up in what MY vision is for them.  I urge them to look within and discover their own hopes and dreams.  I will provide them with tools to do this, and I will listen, listen listen, but in the end, they need to discover what it is they want out of life.  Once they figure out who they are and what they want, then they can begin to live their own lives.  Until then, they’re simply living the pipe dreams of other people.  Look inside and see what you want, make your dreams come alive.