Find Your Innocence

Become more and more innocent, less knowledgeable and more childlike. Take life as fun – because that’s precisely what it is! – Osho

Children are amazing. They are able to find joy, and beauty just about everywhere and in the most mundane of objects.  Their imaginations are not fettered by the practicalities of adulthood.  It’s only as we mature, we lose that sense of innocence and wonderment.  We can’t, as adults go back to our childhood, but we can work to regain that sense of wonder and innocence.  Take time to just enjoy the things that are around you. Don’t worry about how they impact you, or what use they may be to you.  Just enjoy them.  Look for rainbows, go for walks in the rain, walk barefoot in the mud.  Find a swing or a merry-go-round and just play for a few minutes.  Color on the sidewalk with chalk, or blow some bubbles.  Even if it’s just for five minutes, do it.  Gift yourself with five minutes of innocence.  You deserve it.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Erin

    Oh I love this…it’s so important to not lose that sense of wonderment and joy!

  2. admin

    It is….i wish I could go back and be a kid again -they find such joy in everything – it’s great!

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