Finding Your Joy and Your Bliss

I define joy as a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace – a connection to what matters. – Oprah


find your joy

I’m going to be honest if joy is a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace, then right now, I am not very joyful.  I don’t disagree with this quote, but on some levels I do disagree.  I see BLISS as a sense of well-being and internal peace, and bliss is something worth shooting for.  To me, joy can be fleeting, you can find it in the passing glance of a stranger, or in a flower or a song on the radio.  When you get to a place emotionally that you are finding joy in everything around you and in all that you do, that’s when you’ve found bliss – the sustained sense of well-being and internal peace.  So until I find my bliss, I will continue to search for joy all around me and take my happiness in the joy that I find.  When you think about it, there is a lot around us to be joyful for, and with joy – comes bliss.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ethan

    Are you really this positive and cheerful, or is this just a “thing” you do to make people think you are? Seriously???

  2. admin

    Hi Ethan,

    Am I really this positive and cheerful? Not all the time because I am human with emotions and feelings. I have good days as well as bad days, but that’s what Think Positive 30 is all about. Trying to find the good IN the bad. The other day, I was having what I term a craptacular day so on twitter I created a gratitude list and all day long I posted things I was grateful for. It didn’t take away what had made me cranky to begin with, but it DID make it easier to cope with 🙂

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