Here is Why Your Future is Full of Radness

by Mastin Kipp

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”.

This is not just a Christian thing… Here at TDL (The Daily Love) we pull from ALL sources of truth.

No matter what you believe, seriously consider this statement. When we don’t have a vision in life, we have nothing to aim for, no purpose, no empowering meaning and life seems dull and numb and even meaningless. And when we live a meaningless life, we tend to create at a very low level.

Tony Robbins talks about a lot of the people he’s met who have been suicidal. One of the common patterns he’s noticed is that people who no longer want to live feel this way because they have no vision for the future to be better than the past.

Now, I’m paraphrasing his words and I don’t have anywhere near the amount of experience that he does in working with people. But this is a very interesting thing to consider.

Remember, here at TDL we don’t believe that everything we say is “The” truth, just thoughts, ideas and opinions for you to consider. So please take what you want from this and leave the rest.

If you’re still reading this with me, really consider the vision you have for your future. What’s it look like? Do you know what your purpose is and why you were born? Do you have the emotional drive to overcome and transcend ALL the blocks that are sure to come up on the path? Do you see breakdown moments as breakthrough moments? Do you see breakups as an opportunity to trade up? Do you feel that no matter what happens, you can overcome, transcend and move through ANYTHING that comes your way?

Can you see in your mind’s eye the compelling and inspiring future for yourself that is FULL of LOVE, JOY, ABUNDANCE, PERSONAL POWER, PASSION, FUN, VARIETY, GROWTH and CONTRIBUTION?

Or are you reading this and thinking I’m full of crap? (I would have normally said the S word but my mom asked me to try to refrain from cuss words, so I’m trying my best!)

The vision we hold about the future will determine our actions in the present. And our actions in the present will determine the life we live in the future.

Between you and your ideal scene and vision are the limiting beliefs, stories and meanings that are within you, holding you back. And usually all the things we want to create are outside our comfort zone. This means that for us to live a fulfilled life, to have purpose, passion, personal power and love, we must work daily at breaking down old beliefs that no longer serve us.

I joke that my goal in life is to upgrade my internal software as often as iTunes upgrades its software! I mean, think about it, how many times does iTunes upgrade it’s software? It seems like almost daily! And why does Apple do this? Because they are constantly improving their product so that it’s better for us to use.

And that is what we must do. Accept who we are, know that where we are is perfect. And then from that place step into constant personal growth, busting through old stories and patterns and upgrading our internal software so that we can be used by The Uni-verse better.

The future is bright. Many people think when times are good that they will always be good, and that when times are tough they will always be tough – instead of remembering that the nature of life is constant change. It’s usually never as awesome as we think it is, nor is it as bad as we think it is.

And when we have a vision for a future that we want to create, we can use that vision as a navigation system when times are awesome or when times are tough. Coming back to your vision and taking action towards it REGARDLESS of what is happening in the outside world – that is what separates people.

Do you have what it takes? I believe you do if you are reading TDL! That’s why you are seeking. It’s all within you – your vision, your dreams, your heart’s desire – it’s all there, waiting to be seen, articulated and then never let go of.

