Seize Pleasure

Why not seize the pleasure at once? How often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish preparation!— Jane Austen


How many of you remember hearing carpe deim at some point in your life, be it in a book, or a movie like Dead Poet’s Society, or even misquoted in my all  time fav, Buffy The Vampire Slayer?  Sometimes living in the moment is a good thing.  I’m not saying give up on goals and dreams – I’m all about having a plan.  But sometimes, just sometimes, it’s good to put those plans aside, if even for a few minutes.  Sure dinner needs to get put on the table, but if your child comes to you and wants you to go outside and see the incredible rock, bug, shadow or whatever, GO!  Sure dinner may be a few minutes late, but you’ll have gained so much more.

There is a lot to be said for spontaneity. When you plan a vacation, for instance, there can be, and is, a lot of enjoyment in the planning, and the building of anticipation.  But have you ever just grabbed some things, stuffed them in a bag and gone away for the weekend, or planned an impromptu picnic?  Things like that can be so much fun.

Taking a break from your game plan can  can benefit you in so many ways.  Sometimes you just need the break, but also, when you take time and relax, you free your mind. Who knows what ideas could creep into your mind when you give it a stress break.  You may come up with a solution to a problem, or some fantastic new idea that will aid you on your life journey.  Or, you may just have a few minutes to relax, catch your proverbial breath and enjoy the sunset.  Like I’ve said time and time again, having a plan is a good thing – a great thing even.  But taking time to enjoy life is equally important.