There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either IN or you’re OUT. There’s no such thing as life in-between. – Pat Riley
I’ve been very unposty for the past week or so, for a couple of reasons. I’ve been wicked busy with a lot of stuff, but also, I was feeling very wishy washy about things. I wasn’t as committed to this as I should be. I’ve been doing this for me, yes, but also because I want other people to benefit. But I wasn’t getting real feedback from people about if/how they are benefiting from this.
What’s funny is that when I was putting together the Daily Positive Thoughts for the week I thought this was a nice quote, but I STILL didn’t get it. It wasn’t until I was reading the Daily Positive Thought email this morning that it hit me. I have to make a commitment to this. There is no halfway…or as Yoda said, ‘Do or not do. There is no try.’ I have to do this…if not for anybody else, for me. I need to look at my life and find the positives. I need to celebrate those positives. If other people benefit, that’s fantastic, but I have to commit to this for ME. I hope you commit to it for YOU, and we can benefit together.