Making the Best of it

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. – Art Linkletter

Does life always go your way?  If it does, I applaud you.  I’m also a little bit jealous.  For me, things don’t always turn out the way I anticipated.  That’s okay though.  I’m becoming pretty adept at rolling with the punches.  The thing is, things are NOT always going to turn out the way you planned.  When they don’t, you have some choices to make.  You can choose to fall apart or become angry and resentful, or you can take the lemons life tossed you and make an awesome lemon meringue pie, or a tom collins or something.

Take the setbacks and figure out how to turn them into a springboard to a bigger and brighter future.  Try and figure out what happened and use those experience.  Learn from them. Don’t let them bring you down, use them to build yourself up.  Like I said, it’s a choice you get to make.  Why not make the one that makes your life easier?