Creating Your Own Reality

Your thoughts create your reality. Your mind is more powerful than you know. – Neale Donald Walsch

Honesty time – I don’t know what to blog about.  I’ve had this page opened on my computer since 7:30 and I’ve been mulling over the quote for the past 2 hours and I’ve come up with nothing insightful, or meaningful to share.  I suppose that will make some people say “Ha, that just proves the quote wrong. Why can’t you just imagine yourself writing something insightful and make it happen?”  It’s a valid question and I think I may even have an answer.  Usually if we are visualizing something, we want it very badly, and we focus on it with great intensity.  A well written, insightful blog post isn’t something I necessarily want with a great intensity.  I want it, sure, but it’s not something I desire with every fiber of my being.

That actually got me thinking about the things I do visualize or did visualize in the past, and why they have or have not happened.  I thought about the things I received, like my new job, and I realized I put a TON of energy into focusing on them.  I imagined it, I planned for it, I did EVERYTHING I could and what do you know, it happened.  Then I thought about the things I wanted, but didn’t WANT with every fiber of my being.  I didn’t get them – not yet anyhow.    So I’ve decided to pick 3 things to focus on with great intensity and effort.  I’m going to see myself having these things, I’m going to feel it, I’m going to live my life like it’s already happened.

Anybody want to try it with me?  We can call it the Great Visualization Experiment 1.0.  If you’re interested, leave me a response in the comments section and we can set up a plan.  If nobody is interested or just wants to go it alone, that’s great too.  Go for it and I know you’ll be successful

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Roberto Torres

    I’m sorry, only just now I saw this post. My name is Roberto Torres and I have a Facebook fan page in Spanish which I write. The main topic is about how to live a better life. after 13 months I have a bit over 33,000 unique likes.
    I very much like your quotes, the best about the comfort zone!!!

  2. admin

    congratulations on the success of your facebook page, that is wonderful 🙂

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