Be Yourself, the Benefits are Astounding

When I’m trusting and being myself…everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously. – Shakti Gawain

I got THE best email this morning from someone who found that today’s Daily Positive Thought was just what they needed at this point in their life.  That makes me happy on so many levels!  I absolutely love knowing that something I shared is helpful to someone sgelse.  That’s just great!

For me, this quote is great, and so true.  Think about it.  There are times in your life when you just let go and let it happen.  You don’t try to manipulate the situations (in a good way) and you’re not trying to make things happen, you just let it go and go with the flow.  What happens then?  For me, it’s usually an amazing time.  Things just come together and work out in the absolute best way possible.

Common sense would say just let go and let it happen all the time, but I’ll be the first to admit it’s not that easy.  But when you do, amazing things happen.  Trust in yourself, trust in the good that’s going to happen, let go, and reap the benefits!