Feeling Gratitude

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
–William Arthur Ward

Imagine you just got the BEST GIFT IN THE WORLD!  It’s something that you’ve wanted for ever and ever and there it is, sitting in your hands.  Now imagine you looked at it and said “Oh, that’s nice,” and then walked away.  That’s kind of a let down, don’t you think?

When you feel great about something, or even good about something, CELEBRATE it.  Shout it from the rooftops for the world to hear.  Don’t hold it back in.  Share those feelings.  Not doing so, is kind of like finding the perfect gift for someone, wrapping up in the prettiest paper and putting the fanciest bow on it and then leaving it in your closet for the next 20 years.  It’s kind of anti-climatic.

When you’re feeling good, feeling happy, and feeling grateful, share it with the world.  Chances are, it will make you feel even better than you did, it will make the people around you feel great, and you’ll probably attract even MORE grateful feelings to you.