Which Road Will You Take?

The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.  Colin R. Davis

So I wasn’t really sure about this quote, then I started thinking about Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken, and I started thinking and envisioning a journey.  You start out and everything seems fine.  Then you hit your first pothole or speed bump.  The road still looks the same, but you choose to react to that pothole or speed bump is what changes that road from one of success to one of failure.  Don’t be dragged down by those pot holes and speed bumps in your live’s journey.  Don’t let them turn your road of success to a road of failure.  Look at what happened – maybe patch up that pot hole and move on.  Make good choices and good decisions and don’t let a setback become a roadblock.

So when you’re looking at the road to your future and you see bumps and holes along the way, don’t give up and don’t turn back.  It could very well be your road to success.