From Failure to Success

It’s how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success. – David Feherty

Life is not easy, and you’re going to try things and you’re going to fail.  It’s the way it is.  But those failures can be used as stepping stones to success.  It would be ideal if every time you tried something, you were successful.  Life would be just grand in fact – well life is NOT grand, at least not for me.  I seldom succeed at something the first time around, but it’s okay.  I use those failures to help me build a strong foundation and go from there.  I could give up, pitch a fit, whine and cry, but I can’t see how that kind of behavior would get me anywhere.  Instead, I try (I don’t always succeed with this either, lol) to learn from what I tried, tweak it, and try again.  That’s where success comes from.