It’s All About the Choices

Since you are the one that has to live with your choices, be sure they are your own. – Alan Cohen


We are faced with decisions and choices just about every second of every day, and after we make those choices, we have to live with them, and their results.  Sometimes we make decent choices, and sometimes not so much.  That’s okay, life is a learning process.  The thing is, if you have to live with the end result of your decisions, both good and bad, so doesn’t it make sense to make your own choices and not follow the crowd?  There is nothing worse than dealing with the consequences of a poor decision that wasn’t even your decision to begin with.

When the time comes to follow the crowd blindly, take a step back and look at what’s going on.  You may end up making the same decision as the crowd, but make sure it’s your choice and not the choice of others.