Be a Builder, not a Destroyer

There are two ways of exerting one’s strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up – Booker T. Washington

Sorry there were no blog posts last week  – it was a crazy week.  I’m taking two classes this summer and they started Monday (and they’re very challenging, but I’ve got this) and I also started a new online business.  Money made will go toward paying for the Daily Positive Thought mailing list so that we can send out positive thoughts EVERY DAY instead of combining them.  I’ll tell you more about it at the end of this post.

We all have this amazing power inside of us – it’s a power we can apply to ourselves, and to others.  That power is support. Think about a parent with a child, or a teacher with a student, or yourself with your friends.  You are kind, and supportive.  You cheer on their ideas, help, nurture and care.  In short, you are there for them.  Very seldom, if ever I hope, will you hear a teacher say “Johnny, I can’t believe you got it wrong, you are so dumb.”  Nor would you say to your best friend, “Oh, she’ll never like you, you’re nothing but a big fat lump.”

Now think about yourself, how often do you support yourself like that?  Probably never.  That pesky inner voice of ours tends to tear us down, and belittle us.  We use our power for evil on ourselves!  Why?  Why don’t we support ourselves and cheer ourselves on the way we do other people.  Use that strength, that inner power for good and support yourself.  Cheer yourself on!

Ok now on to my new business.  I’m quite excited to become an It Works! independent distributor. The It Works! line consists of beauty/cosmetic products as well as supplements.  It’s all natural, and collageI’m going to be honest, they work GREAT.  One of the best selling products is called the Ultimate Body Applicator, also known as “That Crazy Wrap Thing.”  They are amazing, they diminish the appearance of fat and cellulite.  The Ultimate Body Applicator coupled with the Advanced Formula Fat Fighter and the Ultimate Thermofit have helped many people on their journey to have a more healthy physical body.  I chose to join this company because the products are all natural and they work on the outer body, while my Daily Positive Thought tends to work on the inner 🙂  If you are interested in learning more about this great company or purchasing any of the products, you can message me at or visit my website  Please don’t worry, this website will not be turning into a commercial for my new business.  This is and always will be about positive thinking.  I just wanted to share my new venture with you all.