Love Life – Live Life

If you love life, do not waste time, for time is what life is made up of. – Bruce Lee

We all come with an expiration date, like it or not.  From the second we are born, our time here on this amazing planet has an end date.  That being said, don’t you think the best thing we could ever do is to love our lives and to live them to the fullest.  Don’t wait for tomorrow to do the things that make you happy.  Don’t keep saying “maybe next week.”  Next week will keep getting pushed back.  Live the life you have; more than live it, CELEBRATE it.  Do things that make you happy.  I’m not saying shirk your responsibilities, but make time for fun.  Spend time with loved ones.  I can pretty much promise you, they’d rather have you than all the things they can buy because you’re working overtime.    Live each second of every day to it’s fullest.  Love yourself and love your life.