Don’t Complain

Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining – it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn’t solve any problems. – Zig Ziglar

We all complain…it’s human nature and to say don’t complain is pointless.  But when your every conversation becomes a litany of complaints, it may be time to do some self-reflection and make some changes.  The other day, I was talking with a co-worker and I found myself not just complaining, I was down right WHINING.  I literally caught myself mid sentence and turned it around and ended my whine with, but I’m grateful because….

That’s what you have to do.  When you’re sad, or upset, or life is just getting you down, don’t let it consume you.  Yeah, you’re going to vent about what’s bugging you, but try to tack on something good, or something for which you are grateful.  It works surprisingly well and I bet you’ll find that your complaints are slowly being replaced with feelings and thoughts of gratitude.  🙂