Count Your Blessings Not Your Things

 If you want to feel rich, just count all of the things you have that money can’t buy. – Anonymous


I can sometimes get caught up in the “Things” race.  I forget quite often to be happy for what I have and instead get stuck in an endless quest to get more.  A better car, more clothes, a bigger tv, the list is endless.  Don’t get me wrong, I need to have a car.  It’s how I get to work, go grocery shopping and all the other minutea that makes up my day lol.  However, the other day I was thinking seriously about getting a NEW car.  Why?  My car works.  Yeah it has a few quirks, but nothing horrible that makes it a death-mobile.  I just wanted a newer car because mine is getting on in years.   I also recently found myself looking at new flat screen televisions to replace the behemoth that currently resides on the dresser in my bedroom.  Guess what, the tv in my bedroom works, I don’t need a new television, I just found myself wanting a newer more streamlined model.  If the tv died, I’d probably replace it because I do enjoy snuggling under the covers and watching tv at night, but for right now, the one I have works fine.  I need to remember to be happy and grateful for what I have in my life and not the things that money can buy.  I have two WONDERFUL and AMAZING kids who are doing very well at their respective colleges.  I have great friends who are their if I need them and a job that I love.  I am so fortunate, and actually I am rich.  Maybe not in monetary things but in all the things that matter.  Maybe it’s time we all take a good long look at our lives and at all the things we do have.