Don’t Get Stuck

All acts of greatness began with the same consideration: Do not be constrained by your present reality. Leonardo Da Vinci

You cannot be stuck on what was.  It’s an absolute killer.  When people say “that’s the way we’ve always done it,” they are essentially sticking a knife in the heart of an idea.  We have to change, not for the sake of change, but for growth.  I’m finding though, that this is hard for people.  I’m the same way.  I get stuck in a rut, or my so-called comfort zone (especially when it’s somebody else’s idea).  I don’t want things to change.  Guess what?  I’m wrong and so is everybody else who has this attitude.  We need to embrace change to allow growth.  We’re trying some new things at the school where I work, and people are miserable about it.  I keep hearing, “that won’t work here,” or “we tried that once.”  So we tried it once…let’s try it again and see if we can make it better.  Don’t be afraid of change.  It can be a good thing. 🙂