Here…Have a Balloon

Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon. – A. A. Milne (Winnie-The-Pooh)

Think about a balloon floating gently in the air.  Now picture that balloon on a string, and your hand holding that string.  Hpoohow do you feel when you look at that ballon, or when you’re actually holding a balloon.  Generally, you’re feeling pretty good because balloons are just one of those things that make you happy.  Beach balls, and yoyos are        right up there too, and so are those punchy balloon things that are on stretchy bands that you get to punch when you’re a kid.  Now I realize that we’d all look pretty silly if we walked around holding a balloon (though I’m not sure that’s a bad thing) but what we can do is remember what we felt like as a kid holding a balloon.  That happy carefree feeling. Remember it, feel it from the tips of your toes all the way to the top of your head.  And what if you can’t remember what that joyous feeling actually feels like?  Well then, go get yourself a balloon of course!  Or a yoyo, or a beach ball.