Happiness and Mickey Mouse

Happiness is not about having or not having problems. Everyone has problems but not everyone is unhappy. –Mickey Mouse

In case you haven’t noticed before, I’m a huge Disney fan, and I absolutely love Disney quotes.  And yes, even though Mickey’s quote was written by a actual living human being, it was said by the mouse himself, and so he gets the credit.  Anyhow, enough of my Disney related ramblings and on to the mickeyquote.  I kind of love this quote – a LOT.  We all have problems, I honestly cannot think of anybody I know that does not have one problem or another in their life.  Some of those people are far happier than others.  It’s because they don’t allow their problems to take over their life.  You usually don’t have a choice about the problems in your life (and isn’t that a shame) but you do have a choice about being happy.  Yes, your problems can, and probably do suck – I’m not going to judge anybody on that.  I think mine kind of suck too, but guess what – I’m still a pretty happy person because I look for, and find happiness all around me.  Sadly, it’s not been at the House of Mouse for several years, but that’s okay too.  I’ll take my happiness where I can find it and use it to make my problems more palatable.