Anything is Possible

I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in. – Roger Clemens

I was thinking about this quote this morning, and about the person who said it.  There are many people who believe that if you have a positive mindset, you’ll get positive outcomes.  Roger Clemens, for those of you who don’t know him, was an amazing major league pitcher.  Roger also states that if you have the right mindset, you’ll get the right outcomes, but he adds one additional caveat that you need to put the time in.  For me that is key.  I can believe that I’m going to be an amazing surfer, but if I don’t get out there and get on a surfboard, I don’t really see it happening.  Effort matters.  If you want to increase your income, believe you can, see yourself being rich, but then, you need to do something to help yourself get money.  So have the right mindset, but be willing to put in the time and effort to make it happen – chances are, it probably will