
I think everybody is afraid of making mistakes.  That’s perfectly normal and natural.  The problem is that when we’re SOOOO afraid of making a mistake that we don’t even try.  When I was younger, I used to ski, and for me a successful day was at the end of the day, when I could say that I didn’t wipe out at all.  Falling to me, meant failure.  But now I realize that by playing it safe, I didn’t ever really improve.  I’m not saying I should have gone full speed down a black diamond trail, or taken risky chances, but I probably could have tried a little harder, pushed myself a little harder and become an even better skier.  This quote also calls to mind, kids in school who NEVER raise their hand because they’re afraid of being wrong.  Guess what, it’s okay to be wrong, and it’s okay to make mistakes – as long as you learn from those mistakes.
