No I in Team

Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. – Mattie Stepanek

We’ve all heard the saying “There’s no I in team,” and trite as it is, it’s very true.  There are times when it’s beneficial to work on your own.  There are times when it’s necessary!  Many great things have been accomplished by people who are working on their own.  However when we work together, that is when the magic can happen.  The idea may come from one, but when the many work together, great things can happen.  Robert Goddard dreamed about space flight, and in fact was credited with creating and building the first liquid fueled rocket.  That was an awesome accomplishment, but it took many people working together, and even competing against one another to get a person into space, and a person on the moon. So yes, work alone if you must and be a team of one, but don’t shut out others who can work with you and help you achieve great things.