You Get Back What You Give

In human affairs there are efforts and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result. – James Allen

This is a very long and convoluted way of saying, you get out of it what you put into it.  It’s a pretty basic life lesson, but it’s one so many seem to be missing.  I see it every day in school; kids think they deserve everything, and they don’t think they need to put forth any effort to get it.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard kids say “Oh Mr. So and So gave me a D.”  No, the teacher did not GIVE you a D, you earned it.  This doesn’t just happen in school, it happens in life too.  So many people think they deserve something for nothing, and a lot of times, they get something for nothing.   There are plenty of people who receive public assistance who need it, and then there are those who use their career.  I can’t tell you the number of students I’ve urged to work hard in school so they can go to college or trade school and get a good job, only to be told that it’s no big deal, they’re going to collect welfare or SSI.  It breaks my heart because to me, there is nothing more satisfying than putting forth your best effort and seeing the end result.  Take pride in yourself, and in your work and put forth the effort and what you get back will amaze you.