Don’t Think TOO Long

To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing. –Eva Young

Having a plan is a great thing.  99% of the time, if you’re going to do something, having a plan is good – great even.  However, if you get too caught up in the planning, you may never get to the executing of that plan.  Let’s be honest, we plan because we want things to go well.  That make sense.  However, no matter how much you plan, things are NOT going to be perfect.  That’s just not the way it works.  Think about weddings and other formal events you may have organized.  No matter what contingencies you planned for, something always goes wrong.  It may be big, it may be small, but it happens.  The thing is, most of the time, the only person that noticed, was you.  So make your plan, and then just go for it.  Take the chance and see what great and amazing things will happen!