This Way to Joy

True joy comes when you inspire, encourage, and guide someone else on a path that benefits him or her. –  Zig Ziglar

This quote speaks to me on so many levels.  As an educator, I spend my days trying to lead students in the right directions.  Sometimes it’s a bit like trying to herd cats!  However, every once in a while, I find success and I help a student make a good choice, or even better find the path that leads them to an incredible future.  Those are the times my heart simply sings!  It’s not just teachers who have this chance to help people find their path, and at the same time find joy from themselves.  Look around you, chances to help people are everywhere.  When you help someone else find the right path, not only do you help them, but you help yourself find real joy and happiness.  So take the time to look around and help those around you.  The benefits to them are great but the benefits to you are immeasurable!