
Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe. – Claudia Black

I talk a lot about listening to your inner voice, and trusting your intuition.  I talk about it a lot, but sadly, I don’t do it as often as I should, which is a shame.  When I look back at things that have happened in my life that haven’t gone well, I often find that my instincts were saying do something different, or don’t trust that person.  Inevitably, when I look back, I find that my intuition was always waving it’s arms and saying, “Danger Will Robinson, danger!”  We have this inner voice for a reason.  Bazillions of years ago, it was there to warn us not to walk on that deceptively solid looking ground that  was actually quicksand, or telling us not to go in the cave where the saber tooth tiger lived.  Well there are no saber tooth tigers any more, and most of us don’t in an environment where quicksand is prevalent.  We do, however live in a world where there are situations which can impact us negatively or there are people who are willing to step on us to get to what they want.  That inner voice is still there, warning you about them.  Listen to that voice, trust it, and don’t doubt it.  It’s there to help you, and it will if you’ll just listen.