Opportunities Abound

Your big opportunity may be right where you are now. – Napoleon Hill

Every morning, I post the quote on my personal facebook page.  It’s another way for me to share a small slice of positivity, and it’s a great way to start my day off in a good way.  Plus, the positive quote usually gets a like or two, and that’s another nice way to start the day.  A little validation goes a long way.  Anyhow, this morning, I posted it, and one of my friends left a joking comment asking “In my kitchen?”  I didn’t respond because I knew they were joking but honestly, yes!  That opportunity could be anywhere you are.  You just have to open your eyes and see it.  Who knows if in that kitchen, my friend could have looked around and seen a way to improve something, or create something that could have made them rich?  Or maybe in that kitchen at that particular time, they could have been hit with the solution to a particularly contentious problem.  That’s kind of the point you never, ever know where that opportunity is, so you should always be watching for it.  Inspiration,  opportunity, good fortune – they’re everywhere, as long as you’re looking for it.  So keep your eyes open, and more important, keep your mind open, who knows when an amazing opportunity will find you.