2 Questions that will Change Your Life

Today’s guest post was written by Erin Dickson an amazing life coach.

2 Questions That Will Change Your Life…

Erin Dickson

Gravity Life Coaching




When I was a few years out of college and stuck in a dead-end job – I was contemplating going back to graduate school to be a Guidance Counselor.  I knew I wanted to be a Guidance Counselor, but the process of getting there was a bit overwhelming. 


I was living in an apartment by myself, working 2 jobs and discovered that I would need to do a 600-hour unpaid internship.  It was so overwhelming to look at the big picture –  because all I could think about was what could go wrong.  How could I possibly take a 6 month long unpaid full-time internship while paying rent? 


That’s the question I was living in and that’s the question that stopped me from moving forward for so long.


When I was finally able to start living in a different question, I discovered how to move forward.  I wanted it to be a possibility, I wanted to make it happen and I knew that others made it happen.  If others made it happen, why couldn’t I?  


So, I started asking different questions.  Rather than focusing on how it couldn’t work, I started working with a solution focused approach –


“If I believed it were possible, and if I believed I couldn’t fail, what would I do next?” 


That question opened up a whole new world of possibilities.   I stopped focusing on how I would fail and started focusing on what it might look like if I succeeded.  That was such a cooler place to be…


What I would do next, was easy.  I started the application process and took my first class.  Easy.  Then my second class, then my third class.  As I began to get further into the program, I decided that I loved my classes, I couldn’t wait to be a Guidance Counselor!  Nothing was going to stop me at that point. 


I moved from “what if I can’t?” to “what if I can?” Two questions – two completely different results.


As the internship grew closer I dropped my full-time job – I found an apartment for $350/month and my waitressing job seriously saved my ass!  I got through my internship and got a job as soon as I finished. 


I focused on the possible success, not the possible failure. 


If I had started with “I could never do that” then I never would have.  I would be stuck in my routine world of comfort – but not awesomeness.  We need to remember to live in awesomeness – this life is too short for routine and mundane.


Change your language and your mind will follow.  Ask yourself different questions, live in a world of “what if I succeed – what would that look like?”, not “what if I fail”…because if you live the question “what if I fail”, you’ll never move from where you are today.  If where you are today is awesome, then cool – hang out there.  For too many people…it’s not awesome YET.


Discover your awesome self.  Click below to decide what you’re capable of!

